Kukatpally to Kolanpaka New Bus service
A New Bus services was recently started between Kukatpally to Kolanpaka by APSRTC. ( See more about Kolanpaka clikc here ) Kolanpaka also a great historical place which is located exact borders of Nalgonda and Warangal Dist. the bus services route will be like this Kukatpally-Jagadgarigutta-JBS (Secunderbad bus station)-Tarnaka-Uppal-Bhongir-Alair and two busses will be run 4 trips every day. said KPHB NMU working president M Ailaiah.
At last Officials noted the important of the Kolanpaka just before the formation of Telangana ??!!
Source: eenadu epaper, 30.08.2013
1. Pls let me know Timings of Buses from Kukatpally/Lingampally(BHEL) to Yadagirigutta.
2. If we go by own vehicle from Lingampally( near BHEL), what is the best route to be taken as we will be travelling with senior citizens and children?
@Anon.. am not sure about the timings of Buses from Kukatpally right now. but you can find a bus at every 30 min from JBS or MGBS directly to yadagirigutta.
traveling in own vehicle.. best way is Warangal highway from Uppal Cross road.
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